What if the worst happens?

Although it’s something that none of us want to think about, sadly losing our dog is something that we will come across at some point in our life.

I find it difficult to acknowledge but everyday I look at Vinnie he seems to have an extra grey hair and it’s gut wrenching watching him grow old. He’s a senior dog now so I know he only has a few years left in him. My mum had to make the tough decision to let her dog pass over rainbow bridge, and even though we all know she did the right thing for Nikki, it didn’t make it any easier.

Nikki a few years ago.

With that in mind this months guest blog is by Kirstey Lee who specialises in pet bereavement and owns Pets Matter Too. She has just had a book published called Pet Bereavement Matters: Understanding Pet Loss and is available to download on kindle. It will also be released on paperback soon.

Kirstey’s book

Kirstey kindly took the time to have a counselling session with my mum and her other half when they lost Nikki and they both said how much it helped.

Hopefully it will be a long time before any of you are in this position but just remember that when you are, there is help.

They aren’t just a pet, they are a member of your family.

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